古武道 (Kobudo)

These videos are for our students as a reference and to assist them in learning the basic movements.

古武道 (Kobudo) translates to "old martial way" and in our case the old martial way refers to the Okinawan weapons.  While there are 6 traditional Okinawan weapons, due to our limited schedule and instructors we only teach 2 of these weapons.  Sai and Bo.  There are many styles for each, much like there are many styles of Karate.  One thing some of our instructors enjoy doing with the Kata is learning a Kata from a different style and adjusting it to match the style they practice.

型 (Kata)

Nunchaku Kata Ichi

Nunchaku Kata Ni

While both John Gough Sensei and Kyle Gough have experience in Kenshin Ryu Sai, the only style of Sai practiced and taught at SKC is Yamani Ryu Sai.  There are many Sai Kata we practice regularly and we are always striving to learn more.

基本 (Kihon)

型 (Kata)

Kishaba no Sai Shou

Nakandakari no Sai

Kishaba no Sai Dai

For Bo, while Yamani Ryu is more popular within our school, Kenshin Ryu is still regularly practiced among the students.  Choosing between Kenshin and Yamani Ryu is left completely up to the students and we have instructors to teach both.

基本 (Kihon)

型 (Kata)

Shodan no Kon

Nidan no Kon

Kubo no Kon

Shushi no Kon Shou

Shushi no Kon Dai

基本 (Kihon)

型 (Kata)

Shiromatsu no Kon

Cho no Kon Dai

Shirutaru no Kon Shou

Yunagawa no Kon

Sakugawa no Kon

Shirutaru no Kon Dai

Koryuu no Kon

*Kata lists are based on what Instructors and students are currently practicing and teaching and are subject to change.*